Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 - Tuesday

W: 163.2 lbs (-2.2)

Day: Black coffee, water
Dinner: Jambalaya, seafood chowder, 2 x black bean veggie burgers, kraft single. Pineapple cup.

mmm, leftovers  Not enough of the jambalaya or chowder for a normal meal on their own but worked together. 


12KG Bell
  • 5 minute warm up walk on treadmill
  • 20 seconds swings, 10 seconds rest x 8 (13 swings per set - 104)
  • 60 seconds knee pushups. (23)
  • 5 minute cool down on treadmill.

BMF Workout Stats: 
Duration: 20 mins
Steps: 1600ish
Calories: 101
Moderate Activity: 16m
Vigorous Activity: 3m
Avg. Mets: 4.09

Bluetooth fail on workout stats. Definitely not to great on the iPad yet. 

BMF Daily Info:
Calories: 2148
Steps: 6861
Total Activity: 46m
Vigorous Activity: 3m
Sleep: 7:44 Lying Down, 7:18 asleep, 94% efficiency.

Sleep last night was awesome, I didn't even hear the alarm clock this morning, I rolled over to hear hubby chinking his toothbrush on the sink which kinda sucks as I like to come to terms with conciousness while he is in the shower. 

Hips: 39
Thigh: 25.75
Calf: 16
Bicep: 11

bleugh, at least there is nothing above 40" any more though 

This made me go find my old PN log, these are from May 2007:
176.5lbs 37.5% bf (I think this am was 33% on the same tanita)
Waist: 38"
Hip: 42.5"
Thigh: 26"
Calf: 16
Arm: 11.75"

Funny how thighs and arms have barely changed much although I might be measuring my thigh a fraction higher come to think of it.

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