Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We have run into owning your own house challenge do it yourself no 3 (first was plumbing in the toilet, second was changing out the sink faucet when it started leaking) Now we gotta change out the belt in the tumble dryer. Sunday night it died on the first load, I will never under appreciate soft clothes again. We hung everything up and dried it the old fashioned way. So now it's all kinda crunchy..

Oh and that just topped off a bad end to the week on Friday when our mail server died at work and I spent 12 hours rebuilding it :(

Here's to a better end of the week, so far it is improving slowly :)

Workout's are going great, I made it to Sat morning's Gorilla fitness class although I skipped ladies class afterwards as I didn't have time to wash my Gi friday night. Wish I had as I might have discovered the broken tumble dryer when we have had more time to fix it on Saturday. On a good note I hadn't put the bed linen in :) We really do have to get a second set one of these days.

Nara (her name got shortened) is kinda of settling down, she is alternately bullying and being bullied. She is becoming cute with us though.

Food choices have been much better this past week. The stew I made was awesome :) Will definitely have to make that again. Still seem to have trouble controlling the chronic munchies at the weekends though. Still managed not to do too much damage :) Hanging tight at 174 right now which is awesome considering recent months ups and downs.


  1. Hanging on to your recent losses IS a good job! Just keep working on the eating choices thing. 'Course if you can figure out WHY you get the chronic munchies on the weekends, that could help you solve that problem.

    I'm more the opposite, I rarely go overboard on weekends, it's during the week for me, since that's when I'm more likely to be grocery shopping amidst temptation, LOL!

  2. Thanks Cynthia :)

    I think a lot of it is no stuctured routine like I have at work and most of my chores that I do have take me past the kitchen every 5 mins so its on my mind.

    I did see 173.6 on Wednesday morning though so woot :)
