Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still meh

Well I'm still sick, on a course of antibiotics and various allergy meds to unswell everything. My sinus's and tonsils are swollen, running a low grade fever and apparantly I have fluid in my nasal caveties, yay.

Oddly not much congestion since monday. Everything else still feeling urky though.

I went to the docs monday for a full checkup and bloodwork. Made the appt before I got the cold. Some of it came back today and as I had to go in and get another shot of something she ran over it with me as I am apparantly suffering an iron deficiency so I am now stocked up on iron supps and gotta get that retested in 3 months. She showed me the numbers, don't quote me here as my brain is not exactly all with it, but I think it said the bottom end of the range was 53 (whatever they meaure it in) and I was at 40. Nurse said it would explain my tiredness and general not exactly peppy nature.


  1. hey morkai! was wondering why i hadn't seen you on PN recently, then I saw your comment over on Skwigg and found ya! :) sounds like things are going swimmingly for you! you may have inspired me to try kettlebells........

  2. Hi Michelle,

    Aye, I figured I would post back on my log there when I had something good to report. Not following strict PN anymore I felt not quite right about keeping my log going there either.

    Kettlebells are awesome. I absolutely love mine and I love that my Jiu-Jitsu school uses them too. I never figured a cannon ball with a handle could be so cool but it really is a great way to work out, especially when you pull off some great moves. And mainly I love the not needing so much equipment. 1 room, a mat to stand on, a clock and a bell and your good to go for some powerful workouts. Up until then I had been considering a squat cage for home but they are sooo expensive. I can buy a lot of kettlebells for one of those :)

  3. Morkai, I saw that you posted on Skwigg's blog the other day and said you were doing ESE. I think you are just like me. OCE! I was thinking of starting ESE but I need to get the book. I understand the principles and read a post from Dr. Eades on it as well as over on the TT forum. Like you I tried PN but it just makes me insane. I cannot live like that. I went over and posted on my log yesterday and today but I just don't feel at home there anymore. Anyways enough rambling. I have my blog at http://imagola2.blogspot.com if you want to visit. :)

    aka Principessa (on PN forum and TT forum)
