Saturday, August 10, 2013

Here we go again

In the last 4 months I crossed the pond again. Living back in Louisiana, it's not something I had hoped for but we shall make the best of it since this is where life has led us.

I started a new job as a Programmer/Systems Analyst with a health insurance company who is very keen on it's employees personal health so we are encouraged in all sorts of ways. We have a pull up bar in the office and I work on the 7th floor so lots of stairs there. I also took one of my kettlebells in last week and plan on throwing some swings in on a regular basis since the rest of the time I am kicked back at my desk.

I finally got my withings scale and i got my body media armband back out of storage so let the geekery commence.

My bells are still my weapon of choice and I'm logging food on my fitness pal. You can also find me on fitocracy these days which is a favourite for logging workouts. Username is Morkai as usual :).


Sat workout - swing & snatch ladders courtesy of Tracy Reifkind.

12kg bell

  • 1 swing, 1 transfer, 1 swing, 1 transfer (1sw, 1tr, 1sw, 1tr)
  • 2sw, 1tr, 2sw, 1tr
  • 3sw, 1 tr, 3sw, 1tr
  • 4sw, 1 tr, 4sw, 1tr
  • 5sw, 1tr, 5sw, 1tr
30 sec rest

  • 1 snatch, 1 transfer, 1 snatch, 1 transfer
  • 2sn, 1tr, 2sn, 1tr
  • 3sn, 1 tr, 3sn, 1tr
  • 4sn, 1 tr, 4sn, 1tr
  • 5sn, 1tr, 5sn, 1tr
2nd rotation - repeated above going up to 6

3rd rotation - reversed the ladders, 6 down to 1

4th rotation - 5 down to one

Smoked :)


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