Saturday, May 14, 2011

RFL Day 6

1) 176.2
2) 172.6
3) 168.8
4) 167.8
5) 166.2
6) 165.6

Cals Out: 1991
Cals In: 772
Deficit: 1219
Activity: 3-6 mets: 10 mins, 6+ mets: 0 mins
Steps: 2688
AM Weight: 165.6

B: Black coffee
1:30pm: 6.5oz chicken breast, 1 cup egg beaters, mushrooms, 1 kraft fat free single
8:30pm: 6oz ground turkey, 4oz snapper, mushroom, zucchini, asparagus, lemon/lime juice, sugar free jello

Cals: 772 P: 146.3 C: 18.7 F: 11.9

Ended up painting for about 6 hours. Got a good chunk completely finished with the top coat which makes me happy. Spending a whole weekend doing primer sucks knowing you have to come do it all over again. Hubby finished the outside today too. He's just got the shed left to do out there. Progress is being made.
I was frickin exhausted by the time I finished. Sad considering it's not exactly a tough workout although one has to imagine I got up and down from the floor several hundred times.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

RFL Day 2

1) 176.2
2) 172.6
Cals Out: 2021
Cals In: 791
Deficit: 1230
Activity: 3-6 mets: 25 mins, 6+ mets: 0 mins
Steps: 4323
AM Weight: 172.6

B: Black coffee
1:30pm/4pm: 13oz chicken breast, green beans
9pm 8oz Chicken, mushroom, asparagus, salsa, sugar free jello

Cals: 791 P: 146.3 C: 22.7 F: 10.4

Lunch is eaten through the afternoon, appetite is fairly non existent at the moment so I split it into 2 meals. Carbs are all from veggies. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

RFL Day 1

RFL Day 1

Cals Out: 2184
Cals In: 888
Deficit: 1296
Activity: 3-6 mets: 53 mins, 6+ mets: 0 mins
Steps: 5232
AM Weight: 176.2

B: Black coffee
1:30pm: 8oz (cooked) Roast chicken breast, green beans
9:30pm 11oz (raw) Chicken, mushroom, zucchini, salsa, sugar free jello

Cals: 888 P: 150.7 C: 22.9 F: 17.4

Doing the full body workout in the RFL handbook.

Treadmill: 5 minute warmup.

Barbell Squat: 45x8, 65x8, 85x8, 85x8, 90x8
Barbell Deadlift: 135x8, 155x8, 155x8
Bench Press: 65x8, 65x8, 65x8
Assisted Chin-Up: -50(x6, x6, x6) 
Lateral Raise: 10x10, 10x6
Bench Dips: 2 sets of 10
Ab Crunch Machine: 50x8, 50x10
Hyperextension: 25 x 8, 25x8

Red text is a personal record (PR)

Thoughts:Squat: I definitely do better when there are people squatting next to me 
Deadlift: Going up 
Bench: still heavy
Chin-ups: yay 3 sets of 6, getting better. I like the pump, I went over to do my lat raises and I could actually see my biceps in the mirror without even having to flex 
Lat raise: Something wasn't happy. First set was fine. 2nd set something voiced loud complaint in my bicep area. 
Bench Dip: Nothing remarkable, I guess I should try some form of weighted ones.
Ab Crunch machine: Sucks, I'm going to use the bench next time and a dumbell.
Back Extensions: did em. 

Great day 1. Actually weighed in at 176.2 this am. By this evening I was down to 174 already. 

Fierce, Fit, Fearless

I have found a new friend to stalk. Jenn Diamond of Fitness Safari. She started a facebook group for ladies that follow Intermittent Fasting and it's been a wonderful source of motivation.

To whit we have started an 8 week Spring Challenge.

My goals for this challenge are:

1) Get into the 150's
2) Weight train 2x per week
3) Kill my sugar addiction.

My method of madness for this challenge is the Rapid Fat Loss plan by Lyle McDonald. Love his stuff. Historically I've had excellent success with this plan but I don't tend to come off it very well and typically dive into a carb coma for 3 weeks while negating all my efforts. Suffice to say that I have been having some personal revelations and I am determined to not let that happen this time.

It annoys the crap out of me that I will let what I want most, to be fit, to be over ruled in a moment by simple gluttony. It is unnecessary. We can still love and appreciate food without having to eat so much that we are stuffed beyond idiocy. I should be able to drink a glass of wine without finishing off 2/3rds of a bottle.

Just like smoking, it is an addiction that has to stop. I quit that because it was unhealthy, why can I not seem to apply the same thoughts to my eating habits? This time I will. I would so dearly love to pick up a cigarette again sometimes, when I smoked I rarely ate dessert, I switched smokes for a coffee and sugar addiction which are as unhealthy when you look at the side affects of obesity.

So I hereby lift my water bottle in a toast to the first 8 weeks of the rest of my life :)

Thanks Jenn :)