Monday, September 15, 2008

New Month, New Plan, Finally Results

There is a reason that my prior attempt at blogging trailed off. OCD, or more accurately OCE, Obsessive Compulsive Eating.

This is a term coined by Brad Pilon, my new favourite hero. He is the author of Eat Stop Eat. I've seen his book floating around for a long time but in my perceived superior knowledge I had dismissed it as another fad diet. That was my biggest mistake.

I finally saw Craig Ballentyne, another favourite trainer of mine, recommend this book and the results of the latest Turbulance Training Challenge. One lady's results were phenomonal, actualy they were all phenomonal results, but hers stood out as she seriously looked 20 years younger. She had used Eat Stop Eat as had the rest I believe.

So I shelled out some money and read Brads science on Intermittant Fasting. It made sense, a lot of sense. I started my first 24 hour fast that very next day.

My monday morning weigh in was 179.8, This morning (1 week later) after 2 fasts (Mon and Thurs) and a very relaxed eating plan, three meals a day, not watching carbs or proteins or fats or calories I weighed in at 175.8. That works for me. I actually weighed in Saturday morning at 174.4 which I haven't seen since prior to last thanksgiving.

I feel so free, so relieved. Something is finally working. And all I have to do is not eat for 24 hours twice a week and keep up my resistance training. The latter is continuing to be done via my jiu-jitsu and circuit training.

I will still continue to eat 'healthy', plenty of veggies, healthy fats, lean proteins etc but I won't shy away from the bread basket, nor will I gorge myself on it either. Sensible eating is still the key, I don't have to stay absolutely 100% on plan with a carefully detailed macro percentage calorie based plan to make any progress however. All that does is make me go crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's GREAT progress! Congrats! I'm glad the Eat Stop Eat is working for you. I've been somewhat intrigued, but I can't quite see doing that myself, if only because I used to be so bad about not eating and then after not eating for most of a day, would really chow down.

    But maybe at some point I will have to investigate. Meanwhile, I'm doing the lean & green thing again, only the Krista Schaus version. I think I feel better this time, eating a bit more fat, but the headaches are still there.

    OTOH... at least the water weight is dropping off one week in.
